This page is home to my thoughts on some topics. The idea came one day when I felt like I was getting asked similar questions quite often. Instead of answering them with a similar answer everytime, why not compile them at one place so they can be easily discoverable and shareable?
I am a big believer of holding opinions loosely. Chances are my opinions on these topics will change as time passes, condition changes and/or I discover new information. When that happens, I might not always be able to keep my thoughts here up-to-date.
All of these are just one guy's opinions, very likely to be biased and influenced by my own personal experience. Which is to say the things I say here might not be really applicable to others. With that being said, I do hope my perspectives can be helpful to a subset of people.
If you have some topics you would like to hear my thoughts of, feel free to submit an issue on the GitHub repository!